Freelance Project Manager

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Rotterdam, Netherlands
80  -  95
Renewable Energy

The generations after us deserve a future. But we are the ones who must shape that future, by realizing the energy transition now. This company believes that smart, efficient, and green solutions are a vital part of that transition. And we as well.

Tell me more…

Imagine a single-contact partner that realizes energy solutions in the industry and real estate. By single-contact we mean managing the complete lifecycle of a solution, from development and design to financing, construction, service and implementation. To achieve this, they combine creativity with expertise. They get everything done efficiently and environmentally friendly to help the customer on their way to zero emissions. Their motto “Energy for more” serves as a guiding principle for their more than 2,200 employees who work at 50 locations across the EU.

These employees help their customers navigate an increasingly complex energy world with deep technical knowledge and high-level regulatory competencies. Everyone who works here contributes to reducing the carbon footprint of their customers while keeping a close eye on the future – for generations to come.

Interesting! What can I do?

As a Freelance Project Manager, you will work within the transformation team. Within this team, you will be involved in various (international) projects. This includes projects focused on organizational change and improvement, IT and software, commerce, and asset management.

You are responsible for ensuring that the entire process of the project runs successfully. This means: the planning, execution, progress, management, and feasibility of the project. But of course also the successful implementation and the change management aspect. You are also responsible for the budget and resource allocation of the project.

This is truly a facilitating role, with a lot of emphasis on managing the various stakeholders involved in the project. Of course, you report the project status and ensure that the risks are covered. If it gives you energy to really deliver a project, then read on!

Do I have the required skills?

You have a track record as a Project Manager within transformation environments. You are very strong when it comes to communicating with different stakeholders. You are also able to manage different tasks besides each other while keeping the overview and you immediately see where the priorities lie. In addition, you are an all-rounder and you get energy from managing projects and not necessarily from understanding the details. For the details, you have your team!

And what do I get in return?

In any case, a 1-year freelance contract. However, it is expected that this could increase to 2-3 years. The rate is between €80-€95 per hour. Any business trips will of course be reimbursed separately. Do you see yourself doing this assignment? Then respond now!

This job has been fulfilled