
Let's find the perfect job for you
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Fulltime employee
€ 65.000  -  € 85.000
IT Software (non-SaaS)

Boutique. Small, exclusive, and high-end! The perfect recipe to build a successful development agency where you really take ownership of the whole development process. All that’s missing is you...

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Fulltime employee
€ 65.000  -  € 85.000
IT Software (non-SaaS)

Boutique. Small, exclusive, and high-end! The perfect recipe to build a successful development agency where you really take ownership of the whole development process. All that’s missing is you...

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Fulltime employee
€ 65.000  -  € 85.000
IT Software (non-SaaS)

Boutique. Small, exclusive, and high-end! The perfect recipe to build a successful development agency where you really take ownership of the whole development process. All that’s missing is you...

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Utrecht, Netherlands
Fulltime employee
€ 40.000  -  € 65.000
IT Software (non-SaaS)

1.5° Celsius. Dat is de grens. Niet meer dan anderhalve graad boven het pre-industriële niveau. Dat is het doel van het klimaatakkoord van Parijs. Maak jij het waar?

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Fulltime employee
€ 70.000  -  € 90.000
IT Software (non-SaaS)

The quest for the perfect balance between talent and opportunity is more than just a challenge; it's a necessity! In today's world, there's a cool new way to make work easier and better for everyone.

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Fulltime employee
€ 70.000  -  € 90.000
IT Software (non-SaaS)

The quest for the perfect balance between talent and opportunity is more than just a challenge; it's a necessity! In today's world, there's a cool new way to make work easier and better for everyone.

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Fulltime employee
€ 70.000  -  € 90.000
IT Software (non-SaaS)

The quest for the perfect balance between talent and opportunity is more than just a challenge; it's a necessity! In today's world, there's a cool new way to make work easier and better for everyone.

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Utrecht, Netherlands
€ 70  -  € 80
Marketing and Advertising

Van A naar Beter komen op een schone en groene manier? Dat is waar we ons allemaal voor willen inzetten, toch?

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Fulltime employee
€ 42.000  -  € 55.000

Verduurzaming is meer geworden dan “een beetje groen doen”. Het is voor veel organisaties onmisbaar geworden, zowel op wettelijk als op financieel gebied. Miljoenensubsidies zijn niet meer de uitzondering voor grote projecten. Maar die projecten komen niet uit de lucht gevallen.

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Eindhoven, Netherlands
Fulltime employee
€ 55.000  -  € 75.000

Why would you have so many solar panels when you could generate more energy from fewer surface area? Or if your roof is small, you need every square inch to be as profitable as possible. So let’s fix that.

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