
Warning! Scammers are using the name ‘Search X Recruitment’

Date: July 13, 2023

Search X Recruitment, a reputable recruitment agency known for its professional services, wishes to alert the public to a recent form of recruitment fraud and scam where the company’s name is being misused. There have been reports of individuals impersonating Search X Recruitment and reaching out to potential candidates through channels such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and SMS.

These fraudulent individuals attempt to send deceptive messages to unsuspecting individuals, claiming to represent Search X Recruitment and offering them potential job opportunities. They may make false promises and request personal information or payments for the supposed application process.

Search X Recruitment strongly emphasizes that they are in no way involved in these fraudulent activities and scams and that they will never contact potential candidates via WhatsApp, Telegram, or SMS. The company solely uses official communication channels, such as emails and phone calls, to reach out to potential candidates.

To prevent falling victim to this recruitment fraud and scam, Search X Recruitment advises the following:

  1. Never respond to suspicious messages claiming to be from Search X Recruitment, especially if they come from unknown numbers or accounts.
  2. Never provide personal information, such as your identity details, bank account numbers, or other confidential data, to unknown parties through unsecured channels.
  3. Always verify the accuracy of employee contact information by checking the official team page of Search X Recruitment on their website. All employees of Search X Recruitment are listed on the team page.

If you have received suspicious messages or have become a victim of this recruitment fraud and scam, Search X Recruitment urges you to immediately report it to local authorities and contact their customer service.

Search X Recruitment reaffirms their commitment to the safety and privacy of their applicants and assures that they will take all necessary measures to combat this form of fraud and scam. The company is working closely with relevant authorities to track down the perpetrators and take legal action.




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